Vienna House
Symbol of hospitality and wanderlust

"Vienna" stands for the home of the company, for quality of life and for the famous Viennese hospitality. The "House" is the place that connects, where you can be yourself, where the family comes together, where, as the host, you invite your friends and guests.

The Why

"For us it is all about being a really good host and staying true to ourselves, not hiding behind a mask and not getting bogged down in hundreds of rules and regulations. We believe in the perfect moment; that true beauty lies in the simple things in life": This is how Rupert Simoner, CEO Vienna House, describes the essence of the new philosophy. "Above all, we want to do one thing really well: to inspire our guests and give them pleasure."

In our enthusiasm for what we do, in our love of detail, in our attentiveness and appreciation there lies a spirit that the guest can sense. After all, values are not words but an attitude you live by. Entering a Vienna House is like coming home. Exploring. Being surprised time and again. Feeling comfortable.

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